Saturday, September 3, 2011

This house is CLEAAAAN

So.....ever since we moved into this place, the guest bathroom has always felt a little creepy to me (and apparently everybody else).

It's HUGE and has enough power outlets to double as the second Las Vegas strip.

Anyway, so today my BFF suggested I get some sage and cleanse the house.

I've never really been much of a believer in this stuff, but I do enjoy burning crap and I sure could do without getting the heebie jeebies every time I walk into that ballroom.

Off to the mystic rivers of wonderland store we went and grabbed me a dried sage roll infused with some lavender (to at least relax the creepy energy).

I just lit this thing and did what I was told (walk around each room and guide the bad energies out and let good energies in). I felt as though I was walking around with a giant blunt in my hand but...who's really judging at this point.

Aside from the entire house now smelling like the aftermath of a good ol Malibu fire, it went well.

My blunt went out 4 times when I went into that creepy bathroom, which I am told is a sign I wasn't hallucinating and this does in fact mean there was some bad juju in there that needed to be ushered out. (not like the "Yeah!" Usher Raymond kind)

After 20 minuted of spreading smoke around the house and an additional 10 of opening the windows and letting the smoke clear out the bad juju this house is now CLEAAAAAANNN.

And so is that bathroom.

I can actually go in there and take (or leave) a pee and not run out with toilet paper hanging out of my pants because I'm scared to be in there alone.

Good money spent.

If you have the jeebies in any part of your room, I highly suggest this. If not for nothing, you'll have an awesome lavender after burn.

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