I watched the Facebook movie tonight and the first thing I wanted to do was go on facebook and bash Mark whatshisname. I sincerely hope he was somehow involved in making this movie and this was the "muted" down version of himself...because boy did he come out as the biggest douche nozzle to ever crawl this earth. Then I thought a little deeper....not only am I always ON facebook supporting this asswipe, but I would also be bashing him on HIS billion dollar creation. I then thought about re-instating my myspace account just to pull off a huge middle finger to him...and then I realized none of it matter.
I'm only this upset because 1. I realize he is the poster child for all that is wrong with this country. and 2. I am immensely jealous of not being like him.
I'll explain both.
1. The entire basis of the freedom of "enterprise" in the united states of bullshit, is the capacity of each individual to step on as many heads and toes to get themselves ahead of someone else to succeed. People will literally fuck their best friends and family just so they can be ahead. They lie, cheat, steal and throw one another under the bus just so they are the ones with the money. Firstly, I have never in my life been able to step behind someone or around someone to make sure I win in the end and who gives a fuck where that person ends up. Secondly, I can't even steal an extra sheet of toilet paper at the public bathroom if my life depended on it. I may have gypsy blood, but it seems to have all gone to the purpose of walking around barefoot and collecting random objects like rocks at various beaches. It absolutely SICKENS me to know that I can't be successful in this country unless I figure out a way to steal, cheat or betray someone. I have ideas, I have plans, I have million dollar concepts that I want to share with people and make them WORK...but I can't because of fear that I will end up screwed because I TRUST someone. Because of this movie I now have to act on some "intellectual property" that I've shared with people in good faith...now I fear they will use the idea and profit from it without even acknowledging my input on it.
2. For the same reason of not ever being someone that can cheat, or steal or step on anyone's head to get ahead in life, I fear that I won't have MY chance at making money from the ideas that I have. I am, in fact, completely jealous that people seem to lack a conscious. This guy absolutely believed he did NOTHING wrong...he STOLE someone's idea and made BILLIONS...not millions...BILLIONS on it. His price? 56million to shut them up for life. Just like they say...in proportion to his worth, 56 million is a speeding ticket. I would love to shit on someone's head, give them 56 million to shut up and keep the rest of my BILLIONS and wallow how nobody seems to like me...and boo fucking hoo, the girl who had enough balls to tell me off before I was a billionaire STILL thinks I'm a royal asshole. She bruised his ego by seeing right through him and his lack of humanity. Sadly, no amount of zeros in your bank account can buy you REAL friends, love, or a personality someone actually likes.
I sincerely hope he uses the money wisely and gives back to society SOME how. I also sincerely hope he is sterile. There is no need for any more greedy little bastards in this country.
Never been a patriot to this country, and this certainly doesn't help the matter. What else do I expect from a country who voted for a coke addicted alcoholic for president....TWICE. Fucking joke.
You have a beautiful mind indeed. Although time, circumstance, and life got in the way it's good to still see a smile on your face and a fire still lit in your soul. Best wishes.