Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Types of Stereos

I find it funny that people are offended by stereotypes. By definition a stereotype in sociology is \ . "a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group". Stereotypes are there for a reason. Ideas and concepts about certain groups don't just pop out of nowhere and without previous example. Russians drink fact they really do....a lot of it. Italians talk with their hands....they most certainly do. Black people like watermelon and chicken? You tell me. When a black kid makes a youtube video proclaiming how much he loves chicken, it only feeds the stereotype further. And really what the hell is so wrong with saying that?? 

People are so stuck on racism and prejudice that any "majority" rule gets taken with such offense. Nobody is saying that ALL Russians drink Vodka til their liver cries for help, or that ALL black people can't live one day without fried chicken and watermelon! It's a matter of majority...and people really need to calm down with the defenses. 

I'll say this much, if you don't like a certain stereotype you've been placed into, become a outlier to the norm. I'm Russian, and I can't stand alcohol, let alone Vodka. So the first thing people say when they find out I'm Russian is "oh cool! you must drink tons of Vodka". No, I don't, but some of my family members sure do cover that stereotype FOR me! You don't see me getting my panties into a twist over it.

Go out, be free. Live up to your cookie cutter, or be the dough that's outside the cutter. Whatever you do, just be YOU.

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