In talking to my friend tonight, we concluded that I am a "fixer" or a "saver". I'm attracted to people that need some sort of saving or fixing. My particular forte, is attractive people who seem to have their head so far up their own ass that they can blink with their asshole. My general fault is that I truly believe there is good in every person. I know, even the pretty ones. I must be crazy. I believe that even the self absorbed have a decent soul...somewhere deep deep down inside their frozen little hearts.
My entire life I've been attracted to the pretty, shallow, self centered, and confident people whom I've somehow tried to "fix," to realize that life isn't all about what you look like and how people see you. To boot, if you manage to not only stay pretty but also be a good person, you will end up twice as liked and twice more respected and admired! Go figure!
There's a quote I heard once on the tv series "The Big C", and it made me laugh and think very deeply. "You can't be fat and bitchy! You're either fat and jolly or skinny and a bitch. You have to choose one!"
Then I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I was, in fact, skinny (by most standards) and I wasn't a bitch. I must have broken some mold, somewhere.
The same idea applies to pretty people. You can't be pretty and be sincere, nice, caring, loving, etc.... the general rule is you're either hot and a complete douchebag, or average and sweet.
Fuck that mold too. I don't think I'm average in looks. I have my days where I may even feel hot. And I also happen to be nice, sincere, caring, loving, and extremely considerate of others. I know I'm not 1 in a million, so where the hell are all the other shinny, nice people?
I'll say this: I refuse to lower my standards. I want a good looking guy that adores the ground I walk on, in return for exactly the same. You don't have to be a super model (because frankly, I can't deal with someone that is just dumb as a door knob....sorry, its a stereotype for a reason) but someone that is physically attractive to ME. Someone that will stay physically attractive to me even when their six pack fades into a keg, their haircut seizes to be stylish, and their pretty eyes get surrounded by wrinkles.
Tired of trying to fix assholes into decent men. Am I asking for too much?
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