I've never quite understood the fascination of this day, but I've also never gone postal about it either. I honestly couldn't care less about a made up holiday. So it makes people somehow feel better about each other, be it. I don't particularly enjoy having to dress up and go to a dinner I'd rather have at home. Or have someone spend money on flowers and candy and monetary gifts. But if this somehow makes people happier for a day, I say go for it?
Personally, I practice "Valentine's day" randomly and somewhat regularly. I've been known to write a nice note and stick it in your pocket without you knowing for you to find at a later time. Or make a full dinner (candles and all) on a random Thursday. A box of chocolates split between two people while watching our favorite show tastes so much better than any heart shaped box on Valentine's day.
I don't blame people for falling for the idea. Most of you will end up greatly disappointed at the end of the night because whoever it was that you put pressure on making today perfect will most certainly fail in doing so. Because instead of actually loving one another and caring about each other, we put these stupid expectations upon each other.
Then there's the single people who...well we've all been there once or twice before. No explanation needed for the thoughts and feelings that flood you when you're single on this day. I actually prefer being single, and not hate everyone.
Just wish people would understand. It's not about a certain day. It's not about the guys remembering to buy you flowers. It's about him knowing your favorite flower and bringing you one on a day you'd never expect one.
There is no romance in Valentines day. In fact the most romantic thing about it, was when we were 10 and we MADE a card for that crush and nearly passed out because we had to walk over to them and hand it to them.
It's true. We do get dumber as we age.
Alas, I hope each and every one of you had a great day. Regardless of status. Regardless of flowers, cards, and candy.
Happy Monday night.
homesick for a place i've never been. loving a dream i haven't had...