Saturday, April 23, 2011

Divine Intervention...?

Yesterday while at the Nashville Zoo, I lost my id...presumably AT the zoo. Although bets are still being made as to exactly where I dropped it. The bottom line shit is gone. In fear of losing my entire wallet, I only brought my ID, my bank card and my medical insurance card (this is me you are talking about).

Thank god this is a bank card and not a credit card, because not only would I be left without an identification card, but I'd be broke as shit too...because for some reason all of Nashville now checks IDs when I pay.

I've managed to avoid paying by card AND have slipped by 2 bouncers at bars/clubs. Helps having boobs and a vagina :)

Providing I WANT to go back to LA, I will need to somehow produce a picture ID before my flight on Wednesday. We all know how quickly California DMV works, so I'm going to go ahead and just skip that idea.

I guess it's a good thing I travel a lot because I happen to have a valid home. No problem. $45 and awesome parents later, my passport is on it's way here. If this somehow gets lost, I'm calling uHaul and moving all my shit from LA to Nashville. I like it here better anyway.

It doesn't hurt that there are two solid possibilities for a well paying job here....

I'm just sayin.

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