As humans, we are physically incapable of feeling two emotions at the same time. It is therefore, also impossible to feel a single emotion for ever.
Our lives and moods and feelings are a fluid series of emotions that flow from one to another seamlessly. Each emotion travels with a posse that it drags along with it. Negative emotions like anger create chaos, pain and hurt. Positive emotions like love create peace, happiness and a sense of well being. Each emotion gains inertia as it perpetuates positivity or negativity in your entire being.
You are the captain of the ship that is your mind. You dictate which emotion gets to take residence inside you and perpetuate your mood. You get to decide which emotion gets a flash of existence and dies out as soon as you refuse to let it rule you.
For every moment in your life you have a choice. For every action you have a choice in your REaction. Dark or light. Good or bad. Positive or negative. You decide.
Guide your life, your mood and your emotions and you will find yourself smiling more often.
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