Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I'm no expert at this thing called life, but I do believe I've mastered some aspects of it to where I can comment on it and feel I can back my opinions with valid points if someone chooses to argue theirs.

That being said, I also think there's probably some very inspirational quote about this on the internet that is placed on some very emotion evoking picture, so I do have backup!

People go through life forgetting that everything they have comes from the efforts they put out to the world and into those things happening. Good and bad, pretty and ugly.

Everything you look for in life you will find.

If you look for good, you will find good. If you look for trouble, trouble will be at your doorstep. Unfortunately, life also  has a sense of humor. The ugly and the bad have a way to be easily attained and you really don't have to look for it all that hard to get a nice heaping pile delivered to your door. Probably because nobody really wants that crap in large amounts, so the universe is in full abundance of it. Free to go to whoever welcomes it.

The good is always harder to attain and sometimes takes a lot of effort to find. Like that last stubborn egg on an egg hunt. There are those that give up looking for it because who really knows what's in there and the chance that it may be a small reward is simply not worth it. But there are others that will search for it until their feet are tired, and their eyes can no longer focus.

One thing that is for sure, nothing disappears into thin air. If it is real, it is there, and unless someone finds it and takes it before you, you WILL find it. Good and bad.

Which brings me to my last point, if you're not determined to find it and someone else places higher value on whatever it is you are looking'll be left empty handed while someone else enjoys the rewards.

If you're a thinker, like me, this concept simply gives a lot of food for thought.

So next time you come up on something good in your life, pat yourself on the back and appreciate it, because you have put enough value on it that you kept looking for it until you got it. And next time you stumble into a pile of crap, realize that everyone else has navigated around that pile while you went out and found exactly what you intended. Be mindful of the things you want, and focus on the things you want or chances are, you will wind up with all the things everyone else avoided.

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