It's amazing to me how life can take a change (in whatever direction) when you simply wake up with a different attitude. When you CHOOSE to perceive things in a different way. All the things that used to piss you off, try to find something, anything to see them differently. Or just approach them with a positive attitude, and watch how they seize to annoy you.
After feeling like somebody pooped in my cereal bowl in the last few days, last night I had a 5 hour conversation with myself. Yeah, I know, in most cases one would be hauled away to the loony bin. Thankfully, this talk occurred in my head (quietly) and into the wee hours of the early morning. Commencing with me slapping myself (figuratively) back into reality of life. With the help of a few friends and their amazing attitudes (and some just plain out yelling at me), I choose to change my attitude toward a lot of things in my life that seem to hold me back from ME. What's best is none of those things are really true life realities. They are all things that sprouted and grew inside my own head and evolved into vicious insecurities.
Time to kick those fuckers out of my head and start accepting myself for who I really am and how I really am. Its one of the most frightening and, at the same time, liberating feelings in the world.
Rome wasn't built in one day (probably more like 2 weeks, but what do I know) and neither will my self confidence. One step at a time I, too, shall rebuild myself.
Should be quite a ride. I'd bring a helmet...and attach tassels to the handlebars (you know, for more flare).
one of my fav scenes in all of movies is in 2012 when they say the chinese built those arks in like a year...chine coulda built rome in 2 weeks tops for sure!