I mean really, aside from letting women vote (seems like a no-brainer to me, seeing as how, turns out, we are indeed also human), respecting us as previously mentioned humans (by maybe not slapping our ass and sending us off to the kitchen to make you a sandwich) and letting us have the option of having a career on top of being a wife and a mother...it seems that "women's rights" have somehow failed in the blue prints.
I'm sorry to put my metro-sexual exs on the spot here, but either I don't know how to pick a real man, or real "men" have turned into nail polishing, "call the tv company, the cable's unplugged", face moisturizing and chest waxing....VAGINAS.
Seriously guys, man up.
It's not cute or even remotely attractive when your girl knows how to change a tire and use a power tool better than you.
I'm just sayin....
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