Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 41: Feet don't fail me now

I briefly contemplated not counting the days, but then I rationalized it with knowing how long it took for me to feel better. Generally, I would advise against keeping track of things like this because it sort of puts a time limit or a certain expectation of time, perhaps. But for someone who is slightly (heavily) OCD and loves lists, bullet points and generally tracking makes sense. Besides, changing things now would only hurt my brain later because I won't see the list of posts on the right all nicely formatted the same.

I digress....

Feet. Let's talk about that.

So I've been off everything for almost two weeks. The first week because I was told to, the second week because I am currently poor and money didn't quite coincide with the purchase of the next round of pills. And admittedly, I lost the piece of paper that had the next regiment written on it by my doc. So maybe, the reasons are all a little jumbled. The point is, I've been without help for almost two weeks. While I feel pretty shitty physically, the brain fog has been manageable. I'm not going to lie, I can't wait to pick up more Lightning pearl tomorrow so I can start feeling better physically again.

Regardless of the pain, I've skated and went to crossfit this week. Two things I haven't been able to do consistently or concurrently for quite some time. The decision to skate and then crossfit the next day was the best and worst decision in a long time. Skating felt great. I skated in a fairly warm hangar and that wasn't even what got me tired. Doing what I love to do is what got me tired. I jammed in practice! I did a drill where I pushed a blocker while they were stopping. That may not sound like much, but FML it is exhausting! I forgot how much energy it takes to be a jammer. While it hurt and I had to sit out the other half of practice after that, it re-lit the fire under my ass and the love I have for derby, and for jamming. It gives me hope and it gives me goals and that is basically all I can ask for right now.
The next day I went to my first crossfit class since.....I honestly would have to look back at my facebook to see when the last time was. I can safely assume it was before August of last year. It sucked. In the most amazing way. I felt muscles that I haven't felt in a very long time, and I sweated profusely. I also had to stop my workout about 5/6th of the way because....#exhausted. But that's ok. I worked through double unders (whipping my ass only ONCE!), learned a new way to back squat and do snatches, and finished 7 out of 12 rounds of 3snatched/5 ring rows. All in all, it was sufficient enough to make me walk like a swaggier version of Justin Bieber with saggy shorts. I miss that and I welcome it back.

Feet. I haven't forgotten.

My biggest complaint in all of this, is the amount of excruciating pain I feel in my feet. I don't mean pain like if you stand for too long or skate with the wrong size skate. I mean pain like when I get up in the morning and have to put my feet on the floor, I can't. I call it t-rex feet. It's like if you had t-rex arms for your feet. They cramp up and don't want to go flat. If I try to flatten them before they are ready, it feels like someone is ripping tissue and breaking every single bone inside.

I have no idea what that's from but I intend to find out today at my doctor's visit.

Also, today, I get to try cupping! I don't know/understand the benefits of it but its super weird and I'm all for it. Because who doesn't like parts of your back getting suction cupped into a warm tiny glass?

That's all for now.

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