Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Best face forward

Millionized eye lashes?? 

Am I missing something in the makeup world or has everyone gotten alopecia   over the last few months? Every commercial for mascara promises more lashes bigger lashes thicker lashes...am I the only one happy with the length, amount and girth of my lashes?! It's getting out of control! I realize I may have longer than normal lashes but seriously, I tried using one of those super duper mascaras and I damn near took off when I blinked. 
When are we going to start accepting what we have and stop trying to enhance every single thing on and in our bodies? Sure I'd like to be better faster stronger, but I'm certainly not willing to augment my body to get there. Nor am I into falsely advertising something I don't have. You won't find a wonder bra in my drawer just because I don't have the perfect size breasts. You won't find 5lbs of makeup on my face just because I didn't get enough sleep or my eyes have dark circles because my body is struggling to intake b12...my point is, everyone wants to look pretty and everyone wants attention and to be desired, I get that. But aren't we focusing on entirely the wrong things when we push physical appeal to such an extreme level? You really think guys notice if your lashes are millionized or your va-jay-jay is bedazzled? They tolerate the crap we do to ourselves enough to sleep with us. Period. Everything else is completely unnecessary.  It's really too bad we can't just smudge on some fresh personality every morning to start the day off right. 


  1. "Smudge on some fresh personality every morning" I love that line!

  2. I love reading your blog. I may not be happy with my looks/ body 100% but I'm not gonna KILL myself trying to look "perfect".

  3. People are crazy.

    I just have to say about the bedazzling, if someone is viewing anything between a woman's legs it's because they are hoping for sex, not looking for jewelry.
