Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Strep

Why does saying I have strep make me cringe like its some incurable disease? I have.....THE STREP! why? because this crap feels like ass. You're not REALLY sick, and yet you can barely swallow, talk, move, breathe, and pretty much do anything. You'd think this would keep me in bed, resting...right? Not so much. I did as much "resting" as I could possibly tolerate and then busted out the hand sander, plugged that baby in and went to town on the picnic table. Followed by a stain job. Followed by hanging all the lights on the backyard patio. Followed by drilling what seemed like impossible holes through concrete walls so I could hang a candle holder outside. What? I like candles. After cursing everything I could, I was finally successful. And to boot...NOTHING broken or ripped off or cut or sanded off the body. I must admit I am impressed with that statistic.

When all was said and done I realized how much my body was hating me so I finally sat down and enjoyed a cup of tea with honey and lemon. (Which only seemed to piss off the STREP).

All in all, it turned out to be a really productive day when it seemed like a complete waste at first.

Nothing witty or deep to say today. I'm sure something massive is coming tomorrow!

May the strep stay away from you all!

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