So today I think I hit rock bottom on the genius scale. If you've ever hung out with me long enough where I answer a completely random question and everyone stops and wonders how the hell I know something so random, you'd know that I'm full of useless trivia. I know things about the most uncommon topics and usually shock even myself when I know an answer. I have no idea where I learn things and why certain facts just stick in my brain. I'm like a sponge. Every time I watch the history channel, discovery channel, health channel, national geographics...I somehow retain 90% of whatever it is I watched.
So today, in the midst of my pure hit me why a screw driver is called a screw...DRIVER. I know. It hurt my brain too. Not because it's hard to figure out (obviously) but because I'd actually never thought about it before. I was sitting on te floor putting something together and like fucking lighting, it hit me. Then I just got sad. That in 28 years of life and 20 years of putting crap together, i just never thought about it.
"What's it matter" you say? I'm a person who loves words and meanings and origins and just knowing something like this word never crossed my mind just made me laugh.
Anyway. I felt pretty slow today and that made me feel full blown chromosome challenged. I'm guessing the lack of sleep the past few days, coupled with what feels like the beginning of a head cold, is making me use a few less brain cells so I can preserve the few good ones left for more important breathing and keeping the ole ticker going.
Thats my story and I'm stickin to it.
Now explain why we use the same word for a cocktail made of vodka and orange juice.