Friday, October 29, 2010

Missing: common curtesy, please call if found.

So I wrote this last night and forgot to post it...rather, I fell asleep while posting. Anyway, here it is. Another one is coming tonight.

I will admit to having a lot of pet peeves and expecting certain things from the human race as a whole. That being said, I also believe there are the bare minimums of common curtesy that people should come with that qualify you as a human. 

Please explain to me why people go into "10 items or less" express lanes with a basket full of crap and are shocked when the cashier tells them to please not do this next time. Ok so usually this would irritate the hell out of me but this time I just laughed it off along with the other 4 people in line behind this lady....until.....she pulls out her check book...REALLY lady?? You just raped the cashier with 6000 items and you're gonna whip out the check book?? AND she asks for cash back....

It's things like this that just make me wonder what in the world is going on in this lady's head that she completely disregards 5 other people in line with 2 items or less and does what she wants. 

I don't know if it's this city, this state or this country, but I'm seeing less and less common curtesy and it's really depressing to realize it.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate, luv! I have a certain race in mind, but I do not wish to stereotype. I will say this, I was in the express lane the other day and a woman was trying to buy 3 donuts, (at my store they are 3 for a $1 after 6 pm-clearly posted). It was 5:00 pm. She argued (while pretending that she had a difficult time understanding English) about the price. The checker explained several times over that it was not yet 6 pm, so the computer rang them up at regular price. After several minutes of trying to get her way, the woman finally left the donuts and said she would come back in an hour for them. Seriously? All the drama to save a few cents? ARGH!
    Sorry babe, but this country IS losing it's common courtesy and manners and I agree, it is rather depressing! =(
