Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#31 Fantasies and daydreams

Most common daydream/fantasy:
I don't think my daydreaming is ever the same.
I space out on a daily basis…a few times a day. I need a special helmet with the amount of space cadetting I do. It’s not so much that I space out into another “place” per se, I usually just go into some dark alley in my mind and wander around for a few minutes until someone waves their hand in my face or snaps their finders in front of my eyes.

This is how deep thoughts, ideas, and master plans occur in my head lol

I think of one thing and then the train of thought goes off the map and into the woods where everything is connected. Often times I find myself retracing my path of thoughts and wondering how the hell I got to the point I was just thinking about.
If I do truly “daydream” it's usually of a place where it’s peaceful. Like wishing I was sitting on some desolate beach with my toes in the sand and the sun baking my skin. Or some house or cottage deep in the woods surrounded by a river and trees where you can hear light rain hitting the leaves of the trees.
I very rarely “fantasize” about things or people. I’m too much of a go-getter to sit and fantasize. If there something or someone I want, I will usually assemble a plan to get it and end up working my ass off on getting it and wasting zero time fantasizing about it.
I’m chucking it up to me being too much of a realist. I see things for what they are and set high but realistic goals and desires.
That being said, I still have quite the imagination, I just put it to work by making my imagined things into realities.
Sorry. There is no smut here lol
I practice my fantasies, I don’t write about them.

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