Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Heavy rotation.

This is dedicated to my dear musicians.

*sigh* how should I say this?

When you book venues, and play those awesome shows, and people come out to see you from every little corner of wherever...can you please give us something to be excited about?

With the high prices of large venue concerts these days, people turn more and more to shows in small venues. 

AKA...the Sunset Strip.

Maybe it's selfish to ask for the same kind of value of entertainment as, let's say, Linkin Park at the Staples Center for $160, but times are rough and it could be a win-win situation. Your music reaches more people and the people get their brains rocked.

It used to be enough, even for an evil critic like me, to come see shows, get drunk and rock out to whatever was played.

Maybe its my old age or maybe my musical ear has finally matured, but I want more than just to show up and be "played at."

Just some tips:
1. Switch up your sets. We all know you have more than the same 7 songs in your musical rotation. If I can safely name all the songs you're gonna play that night...and sing them with you, chances are, you've played them too much.

2. Mix it up. Play fan favorites with some new material. We want to learn more lyrics and scream them with you.

3. Don't be afraid to do covers. Your fans will enjoy the treat, and people who've never heard you before, WILL hear you now. Familiarity catches people's attention.

4. Be creative. If all your songs sound the same (which is ok, that's why there are things called "genres"), do something creative like doing the entire song in a second harmony, or grow some balls and do it a cappella! 

5. Throw curve balls. This goes alongside creativity and covers. How about doing an N'Sync song metal style?

6. Hot lead singers? Sexy guitar players? Hypersensitive drum players? TAKE YOUR SHIRTS OFF! We all know you run around barefoot and naked in your house. Bring some of that to the stage. It's the oldest trick in the book. Don't worry, we don't get tired of it. What we do get tired of is you tugging on your shirt and seeming to put more clothes on as the shows get hotter. Party foul.Vests are cute and all, but they are cuter on the floor. You are hot for a reason. Use it.

Go forth my friends, make fans. Give me something to write about ;)

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