Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 11: brighter side of things

It's true that sometimes you find inspiration and hope in the most unlikely places. This morning when I woke up I read my messages, emails and Facebook posts as I usually do, what I wasn't expecting was a heartfelt comment from my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend. He not only made me feel validated (unintentionally we all seek validation when we suffer from something that is, for all intents and purposes, invisible to the eye) but also gave me a sense of peace in this rough patch of life. Coming from someone who could have chosen to resent me or even hate me, his words and sentiments are so deeply appreciated. I took away the message that it's ok to do the best that I can on any given day. Even if that best is waking up and accomplishing nothing. What I accomplish that day is waking up and being happy with my life and the steps I'm taking to make myself healthy again. 

I felt great today. Mentally and emotionally. Physically I had some hiccups (of the metaphoric kind), but that's ok. I'm in a position in my life where I am able to take a step back and take a nap when my body asks for one. And I did just that. A 30 minute nap gave me new life midday today. 

I'm thankful for that. 

I'm thankful for my girlfriend, who understands and supports me. I'm thankful for the people in our lives. And I'm thankful for the person she is because of the people in her life. Past and present. 

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