Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 17: today I hiked, and didn't die.

In the words of Ice Cube, today was a good day. 

More and more I'm starting to let the bad days pass without really paying much attention to them, and really trying to take in all the good days in between. I'm not entirely sure if I'm actually feeling better (because there are still a ton of times where I am very much down and feel like life is sucking me dry) or if knowing I'm not doing this on my own and that there's a bright light at the end of the tunnel is making it easier to deal with the shitty days. When I feel crappy, I simply know it will pass and I am able to reach out to friends and talk it through. Sure I've had some days in the last week or so where I basically spent the entire day in bed, but I also had days where I spent 7 hours at the Hangar watching my league practice and scrimmage and talking to friends I haven't seen in a while. 

I also had a day like today, where we woke up and decided it was time to venture out to this amazingly gorgeous city. I've been wanting to get out to some nature and maybe even go for a hike! We did that and then some. 

We ate and gathered the pups and drove down to Tryon Creek State Park for a much deserved leisurely hike. I could not have been happier with our decision! 

We probably only did about 2.5 miles total, but being outdoors and walking with my most favorite beings made my soul smile. I'm happy to report that I wasn't the one to poop out at the end. It was Ducati....and I carried her the last part of the hike. 

It felt amazing. I felt amazing. 

In fact, I felt so amazing that we decided to drop off the exhausted furs at home and go check out the fair that's going on at the riverfront. After walking around, eating the best Mexican food (frutas and elote included), picking up some ridiculous customized airbrushed trucker hats, and side eyeing all the rides we couldn't fathom riding, we were done with it. 
Still feeling ok (mainly because hydration saves your life!) we decided to drive around and get lost in our new city. We headed over to St. John's where Tigglet showed me Cathedral Park. Obviously I fell in love and want to buy every house in the vicinity. 

At this point (6pm) I was crashing and it was time to head home. 

I'm grateful for the 8 hours of energy that my body gave me today. It's nearly midnight and my body is exhausted but my heart and brain are so amazingly filled with happiness. I couldn't wish for a better way to spend my day. Thank you, Tigglet, for your patience and your willingness to do all the things I love on short notice. Thank you for making my day and my life that much happier.  

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