Sometimes all you need to relieve a little holiday stress is to send everyone off for a long drive, be left alone in the house, so you can clean and do 5 loads of laundry on Jesus' birthday.
At least that's how I deal with it.
I'll admit to the fact that up to about a year ago I wasn't one of the tidiest people you'll ever meet. I wasn't a slob, I just didn't always put things back where they belonged for a while. Something snapped in my head, or maybe I finally realized that girls aren't supposed to be messy, or maybe my best friend and my OCD finally made friends and turned on me all together. I don't care what it was but for about a year now, I simply can't stand a messy home. I actually get pleasure from cleaning the house and putting things back and seeing things get clean. There's an invisible weight sitting on my shoulders when something is out of place or things aren't where I want them to be.
Anyway, today, vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen, and doing the laundry was the perfect way for me to spend my Christmas day. Honestly.
Domestication is a strange thing to me. Before you know it, I'll be cooking full meals and changing diapers....wait...I do that already....well, maybe one day, for the happiness of my mother, they will be my kids.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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