Forgiveness showed it's ugly head again today. I'm so sick of feeling guilty for being hurt and pissed off at someone. I'm sick of the selective amnesia my brain seems to have when it comes to someone royally fucking me over and me completely forgetting about it soon after. I'm not saying I want to hold grudges (god knows I hold enough grudges with other people), but man does it suck to miss someone that shit on your head and hurt you so deeply. Instead of feeling proud for walking away and staying away, I get days like these where I feel so lost in it all and actually miss them.
I guess I keep thinking that human nature can't possibly be that mean and it was all just a mistake. They have to feel the same, right? Or am I the only one feeling like a potentially great friendship went down the shitter?
Fuck it. This too shall pass.
Forgiveness is for the forgiver, not the sinner.