Friday, December 31, 2010

New Day

I know it sounds ridiculous but counting down the last few seconds of 2010 was like waiting to jump off a bridge attached to a bungee cord. Leaving the bullshit behind and jumping head first, lungs filled with anticipation of unknown and unchartered futures.

If I were indeed jumping, I'd have a huge smile on my face and two middle fingers pointing to the sky. I can't regret anything as long as I've learned at least some small lesson from it. Some lessons are hard to find in the midst of all the chaos but they are always there.

So long you lingering, painful, and selfish year. I've found a new, caring and supportive year that is promising nothing more than what I will work hard for. It won't stand in my way and throw monkey wrenches into my wheels.

Happy new beginnings my friends. Let's make this new decade count.

No resolutions. Just goals.

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