Sunday, May 29, 2011


You would think eating gluten free would be somewhat of an easy task, seeing as how everyone seems to be on SOME sort of diet these days....

not so much.

When you're used to eating pastas, breads and other non gluten friendly things, life becomes slightly more complicated when you want a snack and all you can eat is....well...not what you really want.

I find myself feeling a crap load better overall, but also, I am starving an hour after I eat anything!

My metabolism has always been kicked into high gear, but now all it has to burn is foods high in protein and raw metabolic material like fruits, nuts and dairy.

The fridge is stocked full of meats and cheeses, and the pantry has been gutted and refilled with rice and corn based products.

I find myself hiding Larabars in my nightstand drawers and in my purse, and M&Ms in my pockets just to keep my body happy when I haven't eaten in an hour or two.

This could get expensive, but so far it seems very worth it.

Gonna do this for two weeks and see how it goes.

And now, I need a snack.

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