That only people in the "Gone With The Wind" era knew what it meant to fall in love with someone head over heels and spend their entire mortal life together.
Then I realized that idea seems to be cultural.
I'm not saying my parents don't love each other (I'm certain they do, they just bicker like a dog and cat) but it feels like in the Russian culture people get married to get married and have kids.
Tradition takes over romance.
I'm fairly certain there are a hundred other cultures where tradition trumps any emotion or feeling of complete and utter love just like the Russians seem to do.

I would rather wait to meet the ONE and spend the rest of my life in bliss than to cage myself in a life long prison sentence.
Life is more than just repopulating the earth. What ever happened to falling in love with someone who is also your best friend?
Sometimes we should abandon tradition and be least that's my story and I'm stickin to it.
PS, I should mention that I just watched "The Notebook" for the umpteenth time (and cried again).
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