Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In a world where being a healthy and fit human being is a matter of a chain of choices you make in the course of a day, it baffles me that there are people who live such unhealthy choice!

I understand that maybe eating healthier is a lot less convenient and at times a little bit more expensive but if you put in a little bit of time and just a little bit more money into it now, you won't have to spend the money later on doctors.

Staying fit doesn't mean being a meat head and living at the gym, it simply means taking stairs versus an elevator, walking your dog 3 times versus just once or just letting it run in the back yard. Playing with your kids outside for an hour versus plopping them in front of a tv for hours.

Nutrition is difficult to follow because we are smothered by fast food convenience. I can't deny that I've fallen victim to it before. Being on a gluten free diet for a week has opened my eyes to the kind of crap we are eating for the sake of convinience! I can't get a single thing on the McDonalds menu! And I used to LOVE having cheat days with eating well and getting just one item at McDs.

Make better choices. Drink only when you absolutely need to (even though I can't think of a single reason I would "need" to) and when you do, drink wine.

I'll never understand all. Maybe it's because I've never touched a cigarette but it seems like a complete cop out that "it's hard to quit". No shit, Shirlock. It's nicotine. But if you want to, you can.

Why purposely take time off your life every time you suck down a cigarette?

I just really wish people would find pleasures in small things in life that are far less harmful and a lot more productive.

I'll get off my soap box now. There's some form of protein with my name on it, waiting to be ingested. :)

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