I know what you're thinking..."how could it not, you're Russian"
And generally you'd be right. You put two Russians together and you get a whole Red Party happening.
In this case, I was tickled by the fact that someone who I would generally never expect to bring it up, did....followed by "I think it's a great idea."

She stared intensely back at me and said "what? not what you expected?"
No. Not really. Not from a Native American/Italian Republican.
I guess I should have prefaced by saying that the fact that I'm Russian has absolutely zero influence on my beliefs in Marxism and Communism. I've never been one to follow an idea just because it was the fashionable thing to do....(not that either one of those philosophies/ideas are by any means popular or fashionable).
I've read and studied both ideas fairly extensively and formed my own affinity towards them.
For those who may not be familiar with the ideas (or who may have a cookie cutter opinion on it) I wanted to just simply and vaguely explain it:
Both the Marxism theory (the very bare idea of Communism) and the more elaborate idea of Communism boil down to having a classless society. Like a tribe. A commune. You see the correlation?
Simply put: You provide your "community" with what you CAN, and accept what you NEED. Therefore you are an asset based on your skills and your contributions, and in return, you will posses every thing you require for a comfortable life.
No super classes with Maybachs and unpronounceable amounts of money.
No homeless.
No one left behind.
Sounds good right? (well maybe not to everyone)
The greatest con of humanity and any concept/idea ever geared toward the "community": GREED.
Communism will never work simply because there are those humans who are greedy more than they are anything else.
This concludes the Commie party meeting. Donuts and coffee are in the main lobby, please sign up for our monthly Red Newsletter.
The basic problem with Communism, as it tried to function in the 20th century, was the core idea of the Central Party. Everyone knows the rubric "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely". The Central Committee is an entity of power that answers to no one, sometimes not even itself. This inherit flaw made Soviet-style communism doomed to failure with idealism invariably being replaced with corruption and malfeasance.
ReplyDeleteThere are so few communist states still in existence. North Korea and Cuba have all survived to this point as communist states purely on the strength of their cult of personality. What will happen when their charismatic leaders die off? Collapse, of course.
Then there is China...
WTF is with China? It gets stronger, and more modern, and more innovative every day. It's like they're channeling America in the late 20th century!
Back in the 1990's, after Russia's Soviet regime was quickly, and intelligently swept away by Gorbechov, the Chinese, who had lost Mao, and had several sneaky attempts to wrest control of the Central Party, decided TO BECOME MORE DEMOCRATIC. HOLY SHIT. A democratic communism! A place where the socialist ideals are married to the notion of allowing the individual to have a say in their government!
Now look, the Chinese still have problems with censorship and free speech, but those walls are eroding FAST. The Chinese will eventually become the leaders of the 21st century, mostly I believe, because they have no fear of allowing socialism, communism's practical applications, into their society. Gasp! They take care of their people! Gasp! And they are letting go of the more pie-in-the-sky ideas of communism slide, like allowing a person to become a millionaire if they work their asses off.
You should look up some profiles of the new Chinese millionaires. They are like the millionaires of America's 19TH CENTURY! People willing to take a good idea and make it work. And the clever democratic communist leaders of China are letting them go to it, and reaping the benefits to their society as a whole.
Meanwhile, we, as Americans, squabble about no-brainers like gay marriage; abortion; prayer in school; and burning the flag. Stupid shit.
The problem with America's democracy is that it has become a Bureaucracy with a capital 'B'. The most important thing for our leaders is winning and holding office, nothing else matters, not the economy, not world politics, not education levels, not even food for our own starving citizens, which we could easily offer with barely any cost to our debt.
It's an old story, the Bureaucracy is all about money, channeling the trillions we don't even have into somebody's bank account. We don't have Senators and Governors and Presidents; we have Bank Robbers with Political Titles.
The solution is easy. Every American politician, after having honorably served their term, with patriotic pride, is quickly and humanely executed and interned with honors at the capital. This is what they want right? Just to serve the American public, right? To give their lives wholly to serving the America republic, right? So let the winners LITERALLY give their lives. We'll see how many takers we get, then...
Thanks for letting me vent,