Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Monotony. Webster's Dictionary defines it as:


1. Lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine.
Let's just look at this word in it's entire definition, then. 

Lack of variety and interest: I find that being an adult and responsible is the sole reason for monotony. As soon as you hit a certain age (mentally) it's like all the variety goes right out the window and you wake up one morning wondering why you've been on the same routine for the past 6 years.

Let's face it, all our adolescent life we spend waiting to turn 18 so we can be ADULTS, and when that hits you realize all that's been accomplished is the ability to be sent to jail for all the stupid shit you used to do and just get slapped on the hand.

Then we wait for 21! Now you can drink legally...and even more so be tried as an adult for the even stupider shit you do while legally intoxicated.

Then you finally get your shit together and realize you should probably follow some rules and set a schedule and fit into society like the rest of these poor bastards.

THIS is the death of all variety. 

Enter Tedious repetition and routine: You get up, follow your set series of activities for the day, come home, rinse and repeat. 

We all have daily routines or discipline (as I like to refer to it) and quite frankly I think I would have an aneurysm if I didn't, but what I'm talking about refers more along the lines of monotony in life all together.

We live on a cycle. Weekdays=Work. Weekends=Play a.k.a. get trashed to forget past/upcoming week. Birthdays=Party. Holidays=Family Gatherings.

And on a grander scheme of things: we are born, we learn, we marry, we procreate, we start resenting our partner, we try to live out our golden years as happily as possible, we die. The cycle of life.

Like I mentioned before, I'm all about plans and following a schedule of tasks, setting goals and attaining goals. But every few months my brain panics and I sit and analyze and over-think every aspect of my life. The things I've done, the things I haven't done, where I stand in this cycle of life, and how I can't stand the fact that life is so predictable. 
Truth is, I get bored easily. With everything. I find it hard to find people and things that stimulate me longer than a few minutes. Every once in a great while, I meet a person that manages to make it for a few months, some even a few years. I call those good friends. 
Maybe I'm an arrogant asshole, but at least I'm honest about it, right? 

Maybe not.

All I know is, it scares me to death that I can almost count on getting bored of pretty much everything and everyone.

I'm guessing the key to breaking monotony is in it's very definition....get rid of the LACK of variation. Which I can see in application to the activities in life, but how about the people?

How do you add variety to relationships (romantic and not) without being a complete asswipe?

The answer is you don't.

You find a person that understands you and you add variety to both your lives and activities by being spontaneous and doing things outside the norm.

At least that's my solution for the time being. I'll let you know how it works.

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