Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some things just keep floating up.

You come across a different array of people in your lifetime.

Some you respect more than others, others respect you more than they respect anyone else.

What you don't come across often are people that respect you as equally as you respect them with the need to keep promises and not let someone down being mutual.

A lot of people automatically assume that respect and loyalty are a given when someone sees you in that way. You get one shot with me. If I respect you from the get go, please don't assume you are somehow off the hook to not work towards not letting me down as a person.

The admiration and respect will fly out the window faster than you can realize I am no longer there for you.

It pisses me off that one certain person's actions still affect me, but it baffles me that someone can demand so much and feel like they are owed somehow.

Sorry, nothing in life is free. Including my respect, care and time.

Lesson learned.


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