I had a long talk with someone tonight about how people expect to be respected and cared about without giving back any sort of positive feedback or worse off not appreciating at all.
For MAAAAANY years, I cared about every person I met and gave 100% of myself to everyone. If I only knew how thin I spread myself for people that just simply didn't matter.
I've either become the world's largest asshole, or I've finally learned how to focus my attention on the people that deserve my love and kindness. Because unless you make me smile or somehow show me that you care, I generally don't give two shits about you or how I make you feel.
Maybe I'm wrong, but the way I figure is if I don't protect myself, people's nature is to take advantage of kindness, see it as a weakness and rub it in your face the first chance they get.
So if you don't appreciate the small things I do to show I care, kick rocks. You simply don't get me and there is always someone that DOES get me and deserves my attention.
That's my two shinny pennies.
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