Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lightning Crashes

Ever find yourself wondering where to begin, because there is so much going on at once? No? You lie.

Today seemed like it was just trying to see how far it can go before I either punched a random person on the street or jumped out my second (sinking) floor window. I'll spare the minor details of all the chaos of today and just say that I somehow made it without doing either. Although, my best friend may beg to differ, as I poured out self pity, depression and all kinds of unnecessary the end, I took my happy pills and they did their job. I am now comfortably numb from the gargantuan weight that is constantly on my shoulders.

So what if my cat now has a million furry friends that leave potentially poisonous droppings in every corner of the house? Screw it all; we pack, and move. Good riddance. I was getting tired of picking up the annoying neighbor's dog crap off our lawn every morning. For all I care, this house can sink and collapse all on it's own, I certainly don't need to witness it. Although, it would be fun to tell the landlord "I told you so" to her face. The search begins.

On a brief side note, I found my wallet. I won't say where because I'll never hear the end of it ;) All you gotta know is my empty bank account is now safe again!

Speaking of empty wallets, I would like to wish my favorite Jews a Happy New Year. Way to pick a random day in the middle of the year! As a matter of fact I'm thinking of converting. I like the idea of taking religious holidays off work along with the days we get off with the Christian bunch. Shana Tova, MoFos.


  1. A. move to the westside
    B. the wallet was in a pair of jeans on the floor, wasn't it...?

  2. Can't find a decently priced 3bd house on the west side :(

    and nope...worse than that lol
