Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meeeemories....of the way we weeeere

Of course the natural thing to talk about would be the absolute inhumane heat that Los Angeles managed to live through today. But to be completely honest, it was just another hot ass day. Anything after about 90 just feels like hot coals wrapped tightly around your entire body. A/C on...ready for the enormous bill at the end of this heat streak. 

I'm more excited about the fact that I finally got to see my favorite person today. Stuff is just funnier, stores are more fun to shop in, the heat is less scorching, and watching House is that much more fun. We unpacked all of 5 books and read through 7 of them...4 of which were my old year books. We sat on my bed eating Chinese food, drinking ice cold sprites, surrounded my 10 years of memories, snorting from laughter. Aside from how old I felt looking back and reading all the little notes, it was a nice jog through high school memories good and bad.
Thank you for being the otter pop to my absolutely smoldering day. I truly have the best friend anyone can ever ask for. 

1 comment:

  1. So...what was I going to say before I was so rudely interrupted? Aaaah, feels good to be a Team Member now. I feel like a valuable part of this team, maybe the most valuable part. Time to get this team in tip-top condition is what I say!


    Anyway, I was talking with a friend of mine in vent earlier today and he was jabbering on about how damned hot it was out in LA. A real scorcher. Sounds like you made the best of it.

    I haven't looked at yearbooks in a good long while...they give me a strange feeling. Not so much nostalgia, and not quite indigestion...but a strange mix of the two.

    High school was such a weird time. My best learning memories are from college...high school was a different kind of learning.
