Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Dear Apple iPhone makers,

My pathetic iPhone 3GS is on it's last leg. I've taken it to the depths of all waters (twice...salt and fresh), dug it out from sand pits, experimented with different velocity and distance drops several times per day. Texted my way out of a fully charged battery within a matter of hours. Kept myself thoroughly entertained with Pandora radio at the gym. Chucked it in anger.... It has been one hell of a trooper.

Now my battery is tired. Without use the poor thing lasts a few hours. Applications quit without warning. And it seldom wants to play with me.

Why do I have to cough up $100 to cash in my "FREE" upgrade? I've been an AT&T customer for 15 years and have gone through at least 10 phones with more than 4 lines active at all times.

Throw a mofo a bone...I don't WANT to part with this brick. To be perfectly honest I'd be happy with one that just works like this one used to, but you insist on making new phones every 3 days so I have to conform.

Because of you, I will have separation anxiety when this bumble bee has to be retired.

Totally not ok.



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