Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mom's advice

Sometimes doing things your mom always told you not to makes your entire day amazing. Like waking up, working and then napping for 2 hours in the middle of the day (because your cat decides to perform an opera the entire night leaving you with 4 hours of sleep). Or going out to get ingredients for dinner and on the way home deciding since the rain is coming why not go to the local park?? Remember how your mom always warned you about that cold you're gonna catch if you get your feet wet in the rain or run around with wet clothes? Ya I respectfully decided to go against that life long advice today. I haven't done anything this fun in a long time. Thunder and lightning followed by a good old down pour of rain. Barefoot and soaking wet, we ran around on the grass and played in the fast forming puddles, laughing until our stomachs hurt. After a good soak, we came to realize we should probably get away from the tall trees and somehow get back home without getting struck by lighting. Good how do we do that without ruining the leather in the car? Turns out, it didn't matter. We got in the car, rolled our windows down and looked surprised when people ran from the rain. 

Maybe we're crazy but nothing feels better than letting your inner child play sometimes. 

Of course none of this would have felt as amazing had I not taken the hottest shower after getting home and eating one of the best soups ever made by a human. 

I love rain and I love today's company. 

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