Sunday, October 10, 2010

Skin deep

I'm so saddened by the fact that the human race is so shallow as a general whole. Everything is so on the surface for the most part. I guess I should preface by saying that I understand that not every single person is shallow, I do get that. But as a majority rule, people only give a crap about someone else on the surface. Guys pay more attention to a pretty girl, girls pay more attention to a good looking guy or a guy with money. It's the way the sexes are built. I'm thankful I was born with a somewhat appealing body and face, but sadly my parents overdid the milkshake when it came to my brain as well. I understand entirely too much and analyze the life out of everything...and end up feeling completely hopeless for my species. I unknowingly perform experiments on a daily basis to see how guys change their behaviors based on the degree of attractiveness that day. It astonishes me...still. What happened to guys that just like YOU for YOU? Put an attractive picture as your icon on facebook and men turn into dry-humping little chihuahuas. Every sentence out of my mouth turns into a sexual innuendo. Really? Some girls aren't impressed with that anymore...or maybe that's just me? And I can't say that I'm a prude by any means. Maybe that's also partially or wholly the problem. I've always been friendly and pretty flirty. But seriously how dense do you have to be not to distinguish genuine interest from social flirtiness? Maybe it's just LA men. Who knows. All I'm saying is when you first meet a girl show some real interest instead of everything revolving around sex. You're more likely to get laid if you actually show some depth than if you try to get in her pants right off the bat. 

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